Water Towers & Toilets: Here's How World Visions Improvements Helped Bring Behavior Change to Mali

For our first project of 2019, illuminAid worked with World Vision in Bamako, Mali, a west African country. illuminAid trained World Vision staff how to create videos that documented the success of the new water towers, bore holes and latrines that World Vision installed last year. These new improvements will bring better sanitation and health to the schoolchildren and local community.

In this video, founder & CEO Matt York talks about the specifics of the project and some of his most memorable experiences.


One Mobile Projector per Trainer (OMPT) empowers international organizations to create their own, community driven videos for development. OMPT enables the most under-served communities in the world to lift themselves out of poverty by gaining access to knowledge that can transform their lives.


Interview with Carli Parisi: How will ICT4D and Behavior Change Impact Our World?


World Vision Mali photo blog