We believe everyone deserves the opportunity to create and view video.
illuminAid's mission is to help educate communities in the developing world with low-cost video technology. illuminAid envisions a world where electricity, literacy, location, language and materials are no longer barriers to subsistence, but rather a world where we work together to create economic opportunity, positive social change, instruction and knowledge dissemination to fuel progress for individuals and communities.
illuminAid endeavors to bring long-term, sustainable access to communities in the developing world by teaching local individuals and community-based organizations to deliver the latest training information in health, agriculture, education and other disciplines. We do this by working with subject matter experts and teaching locals how to produce educational videos using low-cost video cameras and cordless projectors in typically hard-to-reach locations.
"The idea for illuminAid began in 1973 when I first experienced the power of creating audiovisual presentations. It was clear to me that this technology had enormous potential to be harnessed for the benefit of mankind. I find myself enthusiastically promoting a miracle that our culture has overlooked yet can bring about profound social change. I see a system of creating and sharing the audible voice or visual presentation of gifted teachers to underprivileged students around the world. After 25 years of helping people in developed countries entertain themselves with audiovisual technologies, I feel the need to spend my next 25 years helping people in the least developed countries lift themselves out of poverty through education and the use of those same technologies."
— Matt York, Founder
A Global Impact
Explore where we’ve worked around the world: