Achieving change through sustainable development goals

Positive change in the world is crucial to us all. How do we achieve such change? illuminAid, following the lead set by the United Nations, is making strides in this arena. In 2015, the U.N. created a set of 17 goals, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to address this issue. Each goal is unique and relates to the overarching call for all countries to work together to end poverty, take care of the environment and foster education among other valuable tasks. 

The goal that relates the most to illuminAid is goal number 17, which seeks to “strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.” This particular goal is important to us because it emphasizes and incorporates technology, which is integral to our work. In subsection 17.7 of the SDGs, the U.N. aims to “promote the development, transfer, dissemination, diffusion of environmentally sound technologies to developing countries on favorable terms … as mutually agreed.” This goal lends itself to the work that illuminAid does, such as training NGOs to create videos with solar-powered video technology on farming, health and wellness and more.

Although goal 17 is an overarching standard for illuminAid, we also embody many other SDGs. Some key ones are goals number 3 and number 10. The third goal concentrates on ensuring “healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages.” Goal 10 focuses on how to “reduce inequality with and among countries.” 

illuminAid’s Plan International project in Paraguay covers both of these goals. This four-day workshop helped locals adopt better covid safety protocols, like wearing masks and social distancing. It also covered women’s rights education. 

Our project for Pathfinder International in Mozambique incorporated goal 10 also. This endeavor focused on the safety of young women and girls in the country.  
illuminAid continues to make waves with the implementation of sustainable development goals. We encourage our readers to explore all the SDG’s and the valuable issues they seek to address. We will continue to uplift the poorest people in the world through these endeavors. A brighter future is ahead when every country and organization come together to build on these goals.


Choosing partners for illuminAid’s work in developing nations


Extreme Poverty is Everyone’s Problem