What’s in the illuminAid kit?

Imagine a world free of constraints such as lack of electricity, illiteracy, geographical restrictions, language diversity, and material limitations, a world where these hurdles don't impede people's ability to instigate positive social evolution. This vision is what drives illuminAid. Our commitment is to equip the world's most impoverished billion with economical video technology through our specialized kits.

The illuminAid Kits

Every illuminAid kit consists of three primary components, categorized as the Camera Kit, Projector Kit, and the Recharge Kit. Each of these kits is designed to address different stages of creating and presenting engaging, instructional content. Here is a detailed look into these kits.

Camera Kit

At the core of the Camera Kit is the GoPro camera, renowned for its portability and durability. With a user-friendly interface, even a novice can capture clear and detailed videos, vital for creating instructive content. The kit also includes a lapel microphone for crisp audio capture and SD cards for storing footage. Its robust design and compactness make it perfect for travel and remote video recording.

Projector Kit

The Projector Kit embodies the essence of portability and power with a compact yet potent 1,000-lumen projector. This handheld device comes with multiple recharging options and has a battery life that can facilitate uninterrupted viewing sessions of up to four hours. Alongside the projector, the kit includes a tripod and other necessary equipment for video presentations, making it ideal for showcasing videos in rural settings.The projector has a micro SD card slot that can store up to 180 hours of video. The cost of the card is 10 cents per hour.

Recharge Kit

Powering these innovations is the Recharge Kit, designed to bring video communication to remote communities. It includes solar panels and cables for recharging the camera and projector, and it can harness power from a variety of sources including the sun, a motor scooter, or an automobile. This ensures the equipment can function in the field, irrespective of electricity availability.

Together, the components in the illuminAid kit help empower impoverished communities and facilitate positive, long-lasting change. You can read more about how our kits are making an impact on illuminaid.org.


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