Thoughts from the Horn of Africa
“They had next to nothing, but what struck me most was their generosity. They offered what little they had—their huts, their people, their time—to allow us to create a temporary film set in the middle of their living spaces.”
A Brief Look at Ethiopia: Part 2
Ethiopia is one of the world's least developed countries and has encountered food insecurity for its population routinely. The government and numerous NGOs have attempted to eradicate hunger through government programs and land cultivation. In July 2019, OMPT is teaming up with Arba Minch University in southern Ethiopia to teach Ph.D. students how to create videos aimed at improving mother and infant nutrition.
International Literacy Day
This Saturday, September 8th, marks the 51st annual International Literacy Day. Established in 1966 by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), the holiday was first celebrated the following year in 1967. Observed by all UN states, International Literacy Day is meant to raise awareness and highlight the importance of literacy for individuals, communities and entire nations.