CEASPA – Panama

Raising Awareness for Ngabe Rights

CEASPA's, the Panamanian Center for Research and Social Action, goal was to inform the villagers of their right to preserve their way of life while having a negotiating voice with the corporate representatives. OMPT supplied CEASPA with a dozen projector and video production kits that have successfully improved the efficiency of spreading awareness in pursuit of these goals.

CEASPA reached out to OMPT and asked us to come to Tole, Panama, in early January 2012 to conduct a three-day workshop on the fundamentals of a pico projector and video production. CEASPA’s objective for using videos was to teach civic engagement to a community of people living in a mountainous, rural area of northern Panama. These indigenous Panamanians faced several large corporate interests bringing mining operations and tourism to the region.

Videos made with locals after an OMPT workshop

A playlist of OMPT’s Civic Engagement videos can be found here.

Help support our mission to bring video education to the developing world by donating.

  • Discipline: Civil Engagement

  • Location: Tolé, Panama

  • Partner: CEASPA (the Panamanian Center for Research and Social Action) is a non-profit, non-government organization based in Panama that promotes civic engagement, especially around issues regarding the awarding of hydroelectric rights to build dams on rivers, mining rights and the sale of coastal real estate for large resorts. Their goal is to reach out to individuals in rural Panama and motivate them to find their voice in their community. They measure their success is by the number of individuals who attend meetings, the frequency of their participation and the number of questions asked at said meetings.

  • Project Date: January 2012

    This project falls under the following Sustainable Development Goals. To learn more, click on the image(s) below.


Digital Study Hall – India


Open University – Bangladesh