Ministry of Health and Social Welfare – The Gambia

In 2015, there were 214 million cases of malaria in the world. This resulted in 438,000 deaths globally with 90 percent of those deaths occurring in sub-Saharan Africa. Although malaria is preventable, it presents and enduring challenge in the developing world. Children and pregnant women are especially vulnerable and account for more than two-thirds of malaria deaths.

OMPT partnered with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW) in March 2017. With the assistance of two Local Video Trainers and a member of Videomakers Without Borders, Matt York facilitated a Video Education Workshop for 25 MOHSW staff members and health workers. OMPT delivered 8 camera kits, 16 projector kits and 16 recharge kits. At the workshop, videos were created to emphasize the proper use of insecticide bed nets and general hygiene. The participants of the workshop were all enthusiastic and OMPT believes there is a great opportunity to scale this project across Gambia.

For more videos made by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in the Gambia please visit our YouTube page.

A playlist of OMPT’s Healthcare videos can be found here.

Help support our mission to bring video education to the developing world by donating.

  • Discipline: Health

  • Location: Banjul, The Gambia

  • Partner: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare

  • Project Date: February 2017

    This project falls under the following Sustainable Development Goals. To learn more, click on the image(s) below.


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The Foundation for Tomorrow – Tanzania