Africare - Kenya
OMPT conducted a four-day Video Education Workshop for Africare staff and community members from March 9 - 12, 2020. The goals of this collaboration were: 1. to pilot the use of community-led video and mobile projectors and 2. build the capacity of Africare to create and disseminate videos related to nutrition programs for women and children, and 3. encourage youth to engage in farming as a way of supporting themselves and provide food to their community.

Kenya: Africare- Improved Child Dietary Diversity
Africare’s focus in Lodwar is around helping people diversify their diet so children receive the proper nutrition. Much of their diet consists of food that is provided from the government and is lacking in nutritional value. Children who don’t receive proper nutrition at a young age may have stunted growth and development challenges. Through video, Africare will be able to expand their messaging and reach a population where the majority of people are illiterate. The use of video in their communication strategy will assist in breaking the literacy barrier when communicating new nutritional practices for community members to adopt.
Kenya: Africare- Small Vegetable Production
Africare also intends to use video as a way to engage local youth who are not in school and unemployed who spend most of their time gambling through various mediums. Africare wants to encourage young men to adopt farming as a way of providing for themselves, their family and their community. Farming is mostly done by women and for young men to adopt farming would be a cultural behavior change.
Help support our mission to bring video education to the developing world by donating.
For videos created by Africare in Kenya, please visit our YouTube page.
A collection of OMPT’s nutrition videos can be found here.
Discipline: Nutrition
Location: Lodwar, Kenya
Partner: Africare Kenya
Project Date: March 2020
This project falls under the following Sustainable Development Goals. To learn more, click on the image(s) below.