Looking Back at 12 Years at illuminAid


A Word From our Founder

I’ve been doing illuminAid for about 12 years now, and it’s never been easy. But what gets me up in the morning is the hope that we can transform lives. That the things we are doing have positive impact. Our kits have a lifetime of maybe 5 years, so, over those years, thousands, maybe tens of thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of people will watch a message created and shared through the technology and training we provided.

The amazing part about what we do is that it’s scalable. We can get more trainers, go to more places, bring more kits and know-how to educate more people, more thoroughly. We want each trainer currently serving the poorest billion people of the world to have a mobile projector—a mobile projector that is cordless, autonomous, can be recharged anywhere in the world and can reach the most distant and disconnected populations on the planet.

Matt York, Founder and Executive Director of illuminAid


Lily Mirsepassi visits illuminAid


ICT4D Part 3: ICT4D and behavior change