Bettering Life Through Video: Day in the Life of a Video Volunteer
Video editor volunteer Jo gives us the scoop on her experience working with illuminAid’s Unsheltered TV initiative and how much it’s opened her eyes to the community around her.
Behind the Scenes: Day in the Office at 645 Mangrove
When we’re not bringing video communication skills to places like Mali, Cambodia, and Guatemala, what does illuminAid do?
We’ve Rebranded: OMPT Is Now “illuminAid”
New Name, Same Mission to End Global Poverty. We are pleased to announce OMPT is now illuminAid! Our new name now better reflects our mission and goals:
Moments With Matt - Q1 2020
After decades of time and an enormous amount of money, we as a developing world have made a great deal of progress in helping the least developed countries get ahead.
98.6 Degrees
"Are you Matthew York?"
Just as I’m exiting the jetway, an immigration official at the Newark Airport in New Jersey approaches me.
“ did you know?”
“That’s my job,” he says, kindly. “Please follow me.”
Welcome, Andy! illuminAid’s New Grants and Development Manager
OMPT is pleased to announce the addition of our newest team member, Development Manager Andy Shoemaker.
International Literacy Day 2019
Today is the International Literacy Day! Learning to read and write is a fundamental human right. Sadly, over 40 percent of the human population is illiterate--but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have access to the same education available to the rest of the world.
A Crash Course in NGOs
What are we talking about when we use all of these abbreviations? One Mobile Projector Per Trainer (OMPT) is a nonprofit non-government organization (NGO) that works with other International Organizations (IOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on projects that promote information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D).
From Shadow Puppets to Video: Why Movement Is So Captivating
Movement will always capture people.
From shadow puppets to video, nothing can capture people's attention, change their perception, and help understanding like movement. While it’s said a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is around 30 pictures within a second, and this is the source of its impact.
Sustainable Development Goals: How illuminAid Is Helping Advance the United Nations’ Goals to Transform Our World
OMPT helps to progress the UN Sustainable Development Goal 17, which lays out targets for technology and capacity building that utilize partners in the international community to provide access to technology and innovation in order to enhance sustainability and implement developmental practices.