CARE Malawi Debuts Its First Video!
Africa, Video Education Workshop, Nutrition Nadia Torkman Africa, Video Education Workshop, Nutrition Nadia Torkman

CARE Malawi Debuts Its First Video!

When OMPT goes out to complete a project, we only get the chance to work with members of the local community for a few days, but what happens after we leave? The impact of video education and ICT4D (information and communication technologies for development) remains positive and impactful far past the end of our workshop. We love hearing back from partners that we have worked with in the past who are still implementing technology to educate and promote positive behavior change. 

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A Brief Look at Ethiopia: Part 2

A Brief Look at Ethiopia: Part 2

Ethiopia is one of the world's least developed countries and has encountered food insecurity for its population routinely. The government and numerous NGOs have attempted to eradicate hunger through government programs and land cultivation. In July 2019, OMPT is teaming up with Arba Minch University in southern Ethiopia to teach Ph.D. students how to create videos aimed at improving mother and infant nutrition.

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A Brief Look at Ethiopia: Part 1
Africa John Acevedo Africa John Acevedo

A Brief Look at Ethiopia: Part 1

OMPT has sent two of our members to Ethiopia to conduct a workshop working with rural communities. We are excited to be in this vibrant country that has so much to offer in the way of culture and diversity. With that said, we decided to share some interesting details about Ethiopia. This will be a two part series, enjoy.

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What's REALLY Happening in Sudan? (And How Is illuminAid Involved?)
Africa, WASH, Video Education Workshop John Acevedo Africa, WASH, Video Education Workshop John Acevedo

What's REALLY Happening in Sudan? (And How Is illuminAid Involved?)

The ongoing developments in Sudan have made it a priority target for OMPT’s intervention. We will be training NGO staff and trainers from Sudan, so that they can then take this knowledge back to their home countries and empower them to make a difference in their communities. Keep reading for a timeline overview of the events in Sudan .

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Water Towers & Toilets: Here's How World Visions Improvements Helped Bring Behavior Change to Mali
Africa, Video Education Workshop, WASH Guest User Africa, Video Education Workshop, WASH Guest User

Water Towers & Toilets: Here's How World Visions Improvements Helped Bring Behavior Change to Mali

For our first project of 2019, OMPT worked with World Vision in Bamako, Mali, a west African country. OMPT trained World Vision staff how to create videos that documented the success of the new water towers, bore holes and latrines that World Vision installed last year. These new improvements will bring better sanitation and health to the schoolchildren and local community.

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