Thoughts from the Horn of Africa
“They had next to nothing, but what struck me most was their generosity. They offered what little they had—their huts, their people, their time—to allow us to create a temporary film set in the middle of their living spaces.”
Ethiopia Travel Diaries: A Week in the Field with illuminAid
What does a Video Education Workshop look like for an OMPT staff member? Follow along in Kristin’s journey in Ethiopia with her week long travel diaries!
A Brief Look at Ethiopia: Part 2
Ethiopia is one of the world's least developed countries and has encountered food insecurity for its population routinely. The government and numerous NGOs have attempted to eradicate hunger through government programs and land cultivation. In July 2019, OMPT is teaming up with Arba Minch University in southern Ethiopia to teach Ph.D. students how to create videos aimed at improving mother and infant nutrition.
A Brief Look at Ethiopia: Part 1
OMPT has sent two of our members to Ethiopia to conduct a workshop working with rural communities. We are excited to be in this vibrant country that has so much to offer in the way of culture and diversity. With that said, we decided to share some interesting details about Ethiopia. This will be a two part series, enjoy.
What's REALLY Happening in Sudan? (And How Is illuminAid Involved?)
The ongoing developments in Sudan have made it a priority target for OMPT’s intervention. We will be training NGO staff and trainers from Sudan, so that they can then take this knowledge back to their home countries and empower them to make a difference in their communities. Keep reading for a timeline overview of the events in Sudan .
From Shadow Puppets to Video: Why Movement Is So Captivating
Movement will always capture people.
From shadow puppets to video, nothing can capture people's attention, change their perception, and help understanding like movement. While it’s said a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is around 30 pictures within a second, and this is the source of its impact.
Sustainable Development Goals: How illuminAid Is Helping Advance the United Nations’ Goals to Transform Our World
OMPT helps to progress the UN Sustainable Development Goal 17, which lays out targets for technology and capacity building that utilize partners in the international community to provide access to technology and innovation in order to enhance sustainability and implement developmental practices.
illuminAid Can Help Grow Your Organization’s Capacity
OMPT has been training and equipping charities and ministries of government to use video in rural communities for over 10 years. We know that video is one of the most powerful tools for effecting behavior change, and we’re excited for another 10 years of revolutionary communication.
Were excited to unveil a new aspect of our intervention: the Capacity Development Program!
Why You Should Use Video for Your Next Communication Project
One of the greatest things about video is that it’s really versatile. You can use the same camera to film a variety of content. One day, you could make a video about pizza. The next day, you could film a wedding, or you could capture a new band’s first gig. You have the freedom to capture what you want.
What Do Pesticides, Latrines and Teachers All Have in Common?
Video is so effective for behavior change that it can be used for nearly any discipline such as health, agriculture, education and civic engagement. To put it in the words of our Program Manager, Kristin, “essentially if there is a behavior change component, then video can be integrated.” At OMPT we have worked with partner organizations across a variety of sectors and have witnessed positive change with lasting results. Let’s take a look at some specific examples: