International Medical Corps – Ethiopia

Ethiopia met its Millennium Development Goal target of providing clean drinking water to 57 percent of the country in 2015 but access to improved sanitation remains discouragingly low at 28 percent. Safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is still a critical area of development for this country and continues to impact the health and nutrition of Ethiopians. Diarrheal disease, a consequence of poor sanitation and hygiene practices, is one of the leading causes of under-five mortality.

In August of 2016, OMPT conducted a health and sanitation project with International Medical Corps (IMC) in the Woyaita Zone of Ethiopia. OMPT trained 15 staff members from IMC and local community organizations to create and disseminate video using cordless video projectors. Program Manager Claire Pelley and Research Assistant Kristin Henderson facilitated the workshop with the help of two Local Video Trainers — Beka and Michael. The Local Video Trainers were able to conduct the workshop in the national language, Amharic, where the videos created highlighted the importance of using latrines and safe hand washing techniques. OMPT also delivered 8 camera kits, 10 projector kits and 10 recharging kits. The participants were excited to use the equipment and have a sustainable plan in place for continued video production. OMPT will be working with IMC over the next year to track their progress and success.

For more videos created by International Medical Corps in Ethiopia please visit our YouTube page.

A playlist of OMPT’s WASH videos can be found here.

Help support our mission to bring video education to the developing world by donating.

  • Discipline: Health & Sanitation

  • Location: Woyalita Soda, Ethiopia

  • Partner: International Medical Corps

  • Project Year: August 2016

    This project falls under the following Sustainable Development Goals. To learn more, click on the image(s) below.


World Health Organization - Liberia


Concern Universal – Guinea