World Health Organization - Liberia

The Ebola outbreak of 2014 created a demand for improved health communication practices in Liberia. A 2015 study conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in Liberia noted that only 26 percent of healthcare facilities met the minimum standards for safe water storage and use. The report then identified healthcare water management as a significant challenge in Liberia, specifically relating to the segregation of waste, handling, treatment, and final disposal. The proper disposal and care of medical waste is crucial to preventing the outbreak and spread of highly infectious diseases. Additionally, community knowledge about sanitation and hygiene is lacking. There is a need to create community demand for critical health care services such as having a baby in a health center instead of at home.

In October 2016, OMPT traveled to Monrovia, Liberia to conduct a project to improve health communications in partnership with WHO. Claire Pelley facilitated a workshop supported by three local video trainers. Together, they trained 20 WHO staff members to create videos relating to topics such as safe disposal of medical waste, immunization promotion, and child maternal health.

Typically, the trainees at these workshops, are broken up into two-to-three groups to collaborate on producing a video. For this workshop, each participant created their own unique video resulting in 20 completed videos by the end of the four-days.

OMPT delivered 30 camera kits, 30 projector kits, and 30 recharging kits. Each of the participants brought a set of the equipment back to their posts to allow them to continue creating video projects on a variety of topics. They will train and include their colleagues in video production. WHO Liberia will be tracking their progress over the next year.

A playlist of OMPT’s Healthcare videos can be found here.

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  • Discipline: Improved Health Communications

  • Location: Monrovia, Liberia

  • Partner: World Health Organization

  • Project Date: October 2016

    This project falls under the following Sustainable Development Goals. To learn more, click on the image(s) below.


Plan International – Guatemala


International Medical Corps – Ethiopia